From Route 4 Westbound:

Route 4 becomes Broadway after junction of Routes 4 and 208. Stay in the left lane on Rte. 4, which becomes Broadway in Fair Lawn. Pass through several traffic lights until you see Super K-Mart and then Walgreen's on your left. Near Walgreen's is the intersection of Broadway and Boulevard. Make a left turn onto Boulevard and continue for about one mile to Lee St. Library signs are posted on both sides of Boulevard. Turn left onto Lee St., which leads directly into the Library parking lot.

From Route 46 Eastbound:

Take the Elmwood Park exit immediately after the traffic light at Boulevard near the Parkway Diner. There is no left turn at the Boulevard. All turns are from the right lane. Pass Boulevard and immediately take the jug handle following Elmwood Park sign. As the ramp meets Boulevard, make a right and go straight for approx, one and a half miles passing under two bridges and two traffic lights. On your right, you will see the Post Office. Go two more blocks and make a right turn onto Lee St, which leads into the Library parking lot.

From Route 46 Westbound:

Make a right onto Boulevard and follow the directions above.

From Garden State Parkway Northbound:

Take Exit 157 onto Route 46 East. Follow Route 46 onto Boulevard. There is no left turn at tile Boulevard. Follow instructions From Route 46 Eastbound.

From Garden State Parkway Southbound:

Take Exit 159. At stop sign, turn left onto Molnar Drive that intersects Boulevard at first traffic light. Turn right onto the Boulevard, pass the Post Office, and then take second right onto Lee St., which leads into the Library parking lot.

From Route 80 Westbound:

Take Exit 61 to Elmwood Park. At stop sign make a right onto River Road. After a few blocks, turn right onto Lee Street. Follow Lee St. to the end (it will cross the Boulevard) and you will be in the Library parking lot.

From Route 80 Eastbound:

Take Exit 61 to Elmwood Park. At stop sign, make a left onto River Road. After a few blocks, turn right onto Lee Street. Follow Lee St. to the end (it will cross the Boulevard) and you will be in the Library parking lot.

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17 Feb 2025
Library Closed - President’s Day
18 Feb 2025
06:00PM - 07:00PM
Hand Stitched Heart Craft
20 Feb 2025
02:00PM - 03:00PM
Chair Yoga
20 Feb 2025
06:00PM - 07:00PM
Open Book Reading Club
24 Feb 2025
06:00PM -
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