Adult Programs

Take and Make Craft Night
Thursday, August 05, 2021, 06:30pm

Take a craft kit from the temporary library and make the craft with Leanne on the Zoom app. We're making Easy Macrame Hanging Pots.


Craft kits are available at the temporary library (the Hut across the parking lot from the EP Rec Center - 500 Mola Blvd, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407). Craft kit quantities are limited (while supplies last). Please only take a kit if you are planning to participate in the event.


Materials NOT included in the kit that you will need: Scissors, Masking Tape, Ruler, & Pencil


EP Patrons email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Zoom link!

PLEASE NOTE: Zoom links for all weekly events are automatically sent to EP patrons on the EPPL Mailing Lists. EP Patrons can join at: